How we fixed our referral spam problem

It started with me saying “Hey look at all the traffic we’re getting!” Great, right? Who doesn’t want more traffic to their site? Except it was on a domain that I had taken offline a couple of months ago so there was no way someone could actually visit the site. Mystified, I took a closer… Read more »
Going Mobile – How Responsive Design Solves the Device Dilemma

A quick look at any of our clients’ analytics will reveal an undeniable trend, year over year more people are visiting their sites on mobile devices. In the last few years, there’s been a tremendous amount of discussion about how to ensure your site works well across all kinds of devices and screens.
If you’ve been wondering if you need to invest in the development of an app to make sure your site seen on mobile devices – there’s good news on the web front. It’s a one-stop solution for browsers big and small and it’s called Responsive Design.
Facebook’s flaws exposed in this great video

Can advertising with Facebook can actually decrease engagement? A while back I watched a great video – an exposé on the reality of advertising with Facebook. More recently an article on Business Insider by Jim Edwards relays a bitter dispute between Facebook and a successful fashion company right here in Toronto pointing to the same issues explained… Read more »
How to Get Your Blog Post Read: Tips for Great Photos

I’d like to share with you one of the ‘secrets’ of good blog posts. Ready? Here it is: great images. But what if you aren’t a photographer? Well, as Martha Stewart found out tweeting her badly, phone-snapped pictures of restaurant meals, the quality of your images really matter. Here are three ways to get great, interesting… Read more »
Can your marketing make me cry? WestJet Video is a Slam Dunk

Okay, I’m not going to lie: WestJet’s Christmas themed video made me a bit teary. This is my pick for brand-building video-of-the-year. And here’s why: It is a story brilliantly told and executed It taps into the sentiment of the season It never tries to sell anything but at the same time subtly reminds us… Read more »