What We've Written About WordPress

Taking Charge of Your New Website – 5 Reasons to Demand WordPress

It’s really important to ensure that your site is built on a content management system (CMS) that works for you. In fact, it’s a make or break decision.

After all, it is going to be your gateway – the interface – that connects you with your website.

If the way you update your website is clunky and difficult to work with, chances are, you won’t update your site nearly as much (or at all) rendering your new website static and keeping you from building a following for your fresh and useful content. Not to mention foregoing the SEO advantages associated with great content creation.

Why Not All WordPress Sites Are Created Equal

You may be surprised to know how much a good developer can customize WordPress. There’s so much flexibility with WordPress that one client’s view of the dashboard may look entirely different from another.
It all sounds so “plug and play” doesn’t it? Well it’s a bit more complicated that that because not all plugins play well together or like the server its on and that’s where working with an experienced developer pays dividends. And many plugins require configuration to take them where we need them to go.